Wednesday, September 4, 2013

George Hicks here with a list of FUN exercises you can practice to stay goofy, flexible, humorous,  and ultimately unstifle yourself !!!!!! Check it OUT!

1.  Wherever you are, dance... Dance I say!
Start dancing randomly as if you had dancing torretts.

2.  Start smiling non stop for no reason, doing this will actually make you truly smile because you might be wondering "I must look so stupid with a fake smile annnndd BAM!! You start really smiling and may even laugh.

3.  (when someone asks for your opinion)
Shake your head around in circles with your mouth open as if you were losing your sanity then stop and answer them calmly.

4.  Answer the phone In a loud obnoxious voice.  This is more enjoyable when you put on a phony accent.  Its a great way to ease the tention of an anxious phone call.

5.  (when someone asks you a question)
Slowly turn your head with a disgusted look and scream out some horrible noise and reply "does that answer your question?"

6.  Imagination.
 Its a great tool to uplift your attitude and direct it in a more enjoyable state. Example for you, work can be stressful, especially if you have to act normal and do the same thing over and over and over. SO instead of taking orders at the register I IMAGINED myself clearing off the desk and jumping on top of it like a raptor flapping my arms like a baby bird and calling out like a pigeon at the people all around me. Just the thought got me to giggle myself into an uplifting state.

7.  Walk like a creep
or hopper from a bugs life or like a horror movie zombie. Ultimately there is so many different choices to choose from. The trick is to break the stiff, awkward cycle of walking the way we all unconditionally use.

8.  Start a separate conversation
with someone who's already having a conversation about their "issues" and is using you as a crutch for their emotional unbalance.

9.  Nick name everyone.
 Its a great way of keeping you present and strengthens your ability to improvise.  Don't worry about pissing someone off, unless your intentionally trying to make them mad, in that case be afraid, be very afraid! :D

10.  Talk to yourself
as if someone's already listening. Now, this might be difficult for some people because if your familiar with the "crazy people" you'd realize they talk to themselves. Fact, we all talk to ourselves and sometimes we may never even notice it, so why not bring that rambling voice to the surface. You never know when someone's actually listening and interrupts your rambling to have a chat.